Many thanks to Rocky Collins for finding this great site for us. We had 27 enthusiastic participants show up on a rather cold and windy morning at the meeting site to sign releases before caravanning to the site. Luckily temperatures turned warm for us almost as we reached the site.
The site is full of old caves, mines, a waterfall and a creek that runs through. Bright colored pieces of quartzite could be found at the side of the road into the site as well as scattered throughout the property. Large boulders of striped multi-colored marble provided many participants with the challenge of breaking off pieces or trying to carry out yardrock sized pieces. Just loading pieces into the vehicles required cooperation!
Beautiful calcite crystals were found on one boulder with participants working to carefully extract large crystals or groups of crystals. One of the unusual finds of the trip was siderite found in a boulder. It was a great trip with every participant finding beautiful specimens to add to their collections!
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