Past Cobb-L-Stones Articles

Famous Stones Part 1 - The Rosetta Stone
by Tom Toothman
December 2021

I think faceted gems are the most well-known examples of the mineral kingdom. Next are large, perfect crystals and then fine mineral specimens.

However, what is at the bottom of the list… least appreciated? I would submit- stones. Nothing special, plain. We walk by them every day. Rockhounds even have a name for them– “leaverites,” as in “leave ‘er right there.”

Among the lowly stone family are some well-known ‘gems.’

The Rosetta Stone.

The rock itself is a dark gray granite-like material with a pink color vein running across the top. The rock was formed an estimated 600 million years ago. The stone is very hard, which is one reason why the engraved lettering has lasted about 2217 years (give or take a few years).

There is a large section missing at the top, about one-third of the original stone, and a section of the bottom right corner. These pieces were searched for but never found. There were inscribed graphics at the top; now known from similar, but more complete decrees found since. The Rosetta Stone is about 44″ high by 30″ wide and weighs just over 1675 pounds.

The writing carved into the stone is a royal decree by a young king, Ptolemy V (5th). The decree is a flowing passage that talks about the king and priests. It would have physically stood either inside or outside a temple for the citizens to read.

What makes the Rosetta Stone special is that the same text is written in three languages- Egyptian hieroglyphics at the top, Demotic text in the middle, and then Greek at the bottom. Even though hieroglyphics had been around for over 3000 years, it was only used by scholarly priests at the time of the Stone’s construction. Demotic was the common language of the day in Egypt. Greek was used by the administration or government staff.

After the Rosetta Stone was created, the Egyptian hieroglyphic language slowly vanished. When the ancient treasures of the Egyptians were unearthed by archaeologists centuries later, the meaning of the picture-based text was completely unknown.

The Rosetta Stone on display in the British Museum - London. Photo by Tom Toothman
Close-up of the Rosetta Stone text. One line of Egyptian hieroglyphics is at top; Demotic text is in the middle, and Greek text is at the bottom. Photo by Tom Toothman
Another close-up photo showing the Demotic and Greek text. Photo by Tom Toothman
A clear picture of Egyptian hieroglyphics with the symbols easily visible; note the fine engraving details. Photo by Tom Toothman at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

The French actually discovered the Stone in mid-July 1799. It was found in the town of Rashid, but the town was also known as Rosetta. The Stone had been repurposed and built into a wall. As soon as it was discovered, the significance of the stone was realized.

So if the French found the Rosetta Stone, what is it doing in the British Museum in London? Remember Napoleon, the French Emperor? The French fleet battled the British fleet, led by Admiral Horatio Nelson (later Lord Nelson) in what has become known as the Battle of the Nile. The naval battle took place in early August 1798. This battle and others to follow did not go well for the French, and they were eventually forced to leave Egypt. The French had intended to bring the Rosetta Stone back to France, but between the treaty signed at the end of the war and failed attempts to hide the stone, the British ended up with the prized artifact. The French did get a cast of the stone and also some very clear printings of the text as the stone was basically a large, flat printing plate.

I figured a couple of folks sat down in front of the stone and translated the Greek and the Egyptian hieroglyphic sections together, enlightenment ignites, and the ancient mystery is history. Story over. Nope.

The Demotic text was translated from the Greek in parts relatively quickly. It took years to decipher the hieroglyphics as many thought the text was read as symbols or possibly as sounds. If you saw a chiseled “bird” did this mean the Egyptian word for a bird or something that sounded similar? Years later the symbols were found to be letters with sounds (phonetics) included.

The two scholars given credit for the Egyptian translation were Thomas Young from England and Jean-Francois Champollion from France. Even though their countries were always bickering, the scientists found a way to keep in touch and share information.

By 1816 Young had translated about 5 letters by deciphering the King’s name Ptolemy. By 1819 he had expanded the alphabet by adding the letters to Queen Cleopatra’s name which was on an obelisk, also in England.

The actual breakthrough in the translation process can be traced to September 14, 1822. Champollion had seen Young’s work and agreed with his conclusions. In addition, Champollion was able to translate several pharaohs’ names from other inscriptions. He set up a table with columns of Greek, Demotic, and Egyptian letters. Over 20 years had passed since the Rosetta Stone was rediscovered.

Jean-Francois Champollion was able to view the Rosetta Stone only one time in the British Museum in 1824.

Four other Rosetta Stone facts…

❶ Until 1847 the Stone was uncovered at the British Museum. You could touch the Stone.

❷ There is a fourth language inscribed on the Rosetta Stone- English. On one side appear the words: “Captured in Egypt by the British Army in 1801”. On the opposite side are the words: “Presented by King George III”. I interpret this as graffiti.

❸ The Rosetta Stone did travel to the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was on display in October 1972. This was the 150th anniversary of the translation breakthrough.

❹ There is a cast of the Rosetta Stone in the King’s Library at the British Museum. You can feel the fine inscribed text on the smooth stone face.

Source: The Rosetta Stone by Richard Parkinson, 2017.

Editor’s note: If you’d like to learn more about what’s on the Rosetta Stone or how Young and Champollion cracked the code of understanding Egyptian hieroglyphs, then click here; it’s a blog from the British Museum.

Cobb County Gem & Mineral Society