Past Field Trips

November 11, 2017 Field Trip to a Quarry in Northwest, GA

When you go to an active quarry you are always assured of new material being exposed, but this time we were in for a real treat. An entire section of the quarry produced samples of intricately inter-grown translucent veins of pure blue quartz. One participant carried out a 20-lb chunk of light blue quartz, while most of us were happy with the many 3-4 inch pieces that were on the quarry floor in this newly excavated area.

Our hosts from the Quarry– Jessica and Neal — escorted members of our group to every safe place the collectors wished to visit, and the two of them were so gracious and helpful that a special “thank you” is certainly in order. Our trip leaders were Ken and Robie Hunt, who must have had some insider information to have scheduled the perfect collecting date to find such wonderful samples.

These reports chronicle the details of the fun and adventure of seeking and finding your own rocks, minerals or fossils. Frequently, these trips are repeated. This makes this page a good reference site for future trips. Collecting location specifics won't be included in the report as they generally require special permission to collect. It's important that we protect the privacy of our site owners to avoid unwanted rockhounds searching on their property.

Cobb County Gem & Mineral Society